Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Date Night

As a fun way to celebrate the harvest season, Don and I dedicated our date night to snazzing up our gourd! We attempted a new way of actually going to the internet and downloading a pattern to carve. It was much less complicated than we had originally thought. It also proved to be one of the best pumpkins either of us had ever carved! All we did was print out the copy of the pattern, tape it to the best side of the pumpkin, puncture dots all around the edges of the design, pull the paper off and carve! Don ingeniously put a nail through the bottom to hold the candle used to enlighten our art work! Wah lah! It is finished!


Anonymous said...

So cute Katrina! I haven't quite found my own traditions for any holidays n' stuff out here in AZ. Happy Tricker Treat:) ~Dana

S said...

Pretty cool - did you have any trick or treaters come by?

Jenny said...

very cute!

Katie Barker said...

nice work! looks really good!

Sara said...

Katrina, you've got to be kidding me!! I can't believe how many people with whom "blogging" has brought me back in touch! Looks like you and Don are doing well!! So great to see you!! Hopefully, we can keep in touch this way, assuming you remember me!
Sara Kelsey Golden