Before: the shrine to blue!
We peeled the wallpaper (which I HATE doing) and painted. We changed out the sink top, but only painted the white cabinet and updated the hardware. We also updated the lights and the mirror.
The Utility Room
Before: Our dark paneled junk room!
After: A Laundry/Exercise/Craft/Godiva's Room!
The In-Between
We found a really great deal the day after Thanksgiving this year on a new TV. We got it home and realized (even after measuring multiple times) that it would not fit in our entertainment center; however, we didn't want to start the snowball of "needing" to buy this or that to accommodate our new splurge. So, we kept the receipt and decided to think and pray about a solution. After many days, we had pretty much resorted to taking the TV back and just being content with the working TV we had. Then, we got an idea: we could take the top off the center, take out the doors and storage surrounding the old TV, and re-attach the top to what was the middle of the entertainment center. It worked and we were truly thankful for this simple pleasure the Lord allowed us to get. And we really couldn't BELIEVE the difference . . . we could actually see the dirt and grass or turf as we watched football that weekend - so cool!